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Inputs From Women Groups to the Draft voters’ Registration
July 20, 2015
Women networks and organizations from national and sub national level came together to discuss on draft voters’ registration to make sure that it is sensitive to women voters’ needs. SILAKA as the secretariat of the Committee to Promote Women in Politics (CPWP) and the leading agency on CPWP capacity development sub-committee, convened consultative meetings of […]

Strengthening Young Women Activist
June 30, 2015
At least about 20 young women activists (YWA) from different districts in Kompong Thom province such as Kampong Svay, Stoung, Baray districts join the networking workshop under the theme of “ Strengthening YWA’s Network”, from 28 to 30 June 2015 at SILAKA office in Phnom Penh. YWA was formed in 2013 in Kompong Thom province, […]

Flying Balloons to say “NO” to LANGO
June 29, 2015
There were local NGO members from 13 provinces and about hundred community groups in the Kingdom of Cambodia, including the International NGOs such as Action Aid, Oxfam, and Transparency International flew thousands of balloons on 29th June 2015 at 10:00am, to express their concerns and to suggest for withdrawal the LANGO, if the government still […]

Proposing inputs Gender Policy into NEC
May 27, 2015
Groups of Women Leaders at the Sub-National Levels from 10 provinces and cities of the Kingdom of Cambodia and a group of Women for All from different institutions submitted a draft of Gender Policy to the president of NEC through H.E. Ms. Te Manirong, a member of NEC. On 27 May 2015, the Committee to […]

Ensure Gender Equality in National Election Committee
April 7, 2015
While the Permanent Commission of the National Assembly of Cambodia and the two leading political parties were busy with their work on the formation of the members of the National Election Committee. The Committee to Promote Women in Politics and SILAKA in collaboration with the Cambodian Women Caucus, the Gender & Development Network, the Cambodian […]