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Monitoring Study Tour for WLSN in Kompong Chhang
January 26, 2016
On 26 January 2016, SILAKA, PADEK and focal persons from MOWA and NCCD had a dialogue meeting with women councilors on women challenges and review project outcomes at Kompong Chhnang provincial hall and Roleapahear district hall. The meeting called Monitoring Project Committee Study Tour, aims to monitor project implementation and review the previous outcomes on […]

Monitoring Study Tour for WLSN in Takeo
January 22, 2016
On 22 January 2016, five institutions in partnership with government and NGOs sectors conducted the Monitoring Study Tour on the project of “ Empowering Women Leader at Sub-National Level in Cambodia (WLSN)” at Takeo province in Daun Keo city and Samrong district. The five institutions are MOWA, NCDD, PADEK, GADC and SILAKA. Monitoring Study Tour […]

SILAKA and CIPE Monitor A Project Improving Transparency in Public Procurement Process
January 21, 2016
Starting from 19 to 21 January, 2016, SILAKA and Center For International Private Enterprise (CIPE) conducted project monitoring on project named “Strengthening Procurement System at the sub-national Level (SPSL) at Kompong Thom province. Ms. Thida Khus, Executive Director of SILAKA, Mr. Chhay Pitou, Project Manager of SILAKA and Ms. Catherine Tai, Program Officer for Asia […]

Training on Social Accountability in Public Procurement System
January 20, 2016
At least 19 provincial officials in Kompong Thom province attended in the first training that focused on “Good Governance and Social Accountability in Public Procurement System” which facilitated by SILAKA, starting from 18 to 20 January 2016 at the Kompong Thom provincial hall. The overall objectives for the 3 days training, the participants got knowledge […]

Advocacy and Public Speaking Training by EU SPACE
January 15, 2016
Starting from 13 to 15 January 2016, around 56 female councilors at sub-national level from 5 provinces including Kratie, Modolkiri, Rotanakiri, Stung Treng and Thbong Khmom, joined the consultative workshop under the theme of “Advocacy and Public Speaking” at Ly Cheu hotel in Kratie province. This workshop aims to set up a peaceful space to […]