SILAKA will be conducted training on “Basic Good Governance and Social Accountability”, starting from 25 to 27 April, 2016, at SILAKA office, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
SILAKA is the leading capacity building organization, main focus on capacity development action, supporting good governance and women empowerment for decision-making in public office. SILAKA has also been the one of key players on the ASEAN Civil Society Forum within the ASEAN region.
This training is designed to build capacity among members of Joint Procurement Monitoring Committee (JPMC) in KANDAL province to learn on their roles and responsibilities as demand side in democratic development, be able to engage in participatory monitoring the public procurement, and to advocate in public to strengthen the public procurement process in their target area effectively.
Course Content of the training
- Introduction the project SPSL
- Basics of Good Governance (GG) and Social Accountability (SA)
- Good Society and roles of citizens and government in good society
- Good Governance
- The meaning governance and good governance
- Characteristics of good governance (MOI)
- Legal framework of administrative reform in Cambodia context
- Social Accountability
- What is Social Accountability and Why is SA important
- SA building block (Step in applying SA to promote GG)
- SA tools (participatory planning, citizens monitoring, procurement watch…)
- Citizens engagement in public procurement
- The important of civic engagement in public procurement
- Frame work of civic engagement
- Review public procurement cycle and how and where citizens need to monitor
- Communication system in procurement process
- Procurement cycle
- Communication flow among PID at Provincial level with all stakeholder in procurement cycle
- Communication system in procurement process (bidding)
- Sharing the participatory monitoring in procurement process (bidding) by experienced community groups members
- The participatory monitoring plan
- How to develop objective of the planning?
- What are the main points in the planning? (What, where, when, how much, who)
- Practice to develop monitoring plan
- Develop action plan for implementation
Download Agenda: Khmer