Monitoring Study Tour for WLSN in Takeo

In Samrong district hall, from left to right side, district officials raise the outcomes what they learned to group monitoring study tour.
On 22 January 2016, five institutions in partnership with government and NGOs sectors conducted the Monitoring Study Tour on the project of “ Empowering Women Leader at Sub-National Level in Cambodia (WLSN)” at Takeo province in Daun Keo city and Samrong district.
The five institutions are MOWA, NCDD, PADEK, GADC and SILAKA. Monitoring Study Tour has three core objectives 1) to monitor the project implementation that working on promoting women leader at sub-national level and young women activists in Takeo province; 2) to review and analyze the previous outcomes of WLSN project, 3) to open a peaceful dialogue in order to get recommendations among women leaders at sub-national with representatives from national level and group organizations which working on women leader decision.
Recently, women leaders and young women in Daun Keo city and Samrong district are increased their capacity due to trainings that provided by the project, they are brave enough to speak in the meeting and public, be skillful advocacy for negotiating, more understanding on the procedures for complaint handling, working closer among women leaders and young women.
The project of empowering women leader at sub-national level in Cambodia which Known as “WLSN” is implemented by SILAKA, funded by UN Women. This project aims to strengthen leadership and decision making skills of Cambodian women leaders at sub-national level and young women activists (YWA).
This project covers 8 districts in 6 provinces including Tramkok and Somrong district, and Daun Keo city in Takeo, Kean Svay district in Kandal, Roleaphear district in Kompong Chhang, Snoul district in Kratie, Senmonorom district in Mondokiri and Sesan district in Steung Treng, starting from January 2013 to March 2016.